by Ann Markin | Oct 6, 2022 | Bird Feeding, Birds
Blue jays are some of the most intelligent and brightly colored birds in your backyard. Not to mention some of the noisiest. Their raucous “jay! jay!” is probably their most familiar call and one that is easily identifiable. However, they also make a variety of more...
by Ann Markin | Jun 9, 2022 | Birds
Bald Eagles live throughout a large part of North America, primarily in the U.S. and Canada, and are usually found near rivers and other bodies of water. They are opportunistic feeders and prefer to eat fresh fish. When fish are scarce, they will eat birds, mammals...
by Ann Markin | May 6, 2022 | Bird Feeding, Birds
Wrens are small birds with loud, often complex, songs. Predominantly brown in color, they have narrow heads, with thin, down-turned bills for probing crevices for food. Their wings are short and rounded; this causes them to have a quick and erratic flight pattern. Two...
by Ann Markin | Mar 10, 2022 | Birds, Nesting
Spring brings us warm weather, a reawakening of perennial plants, and the most interesting and entertaining bird behavior. Over the next few months, you can witness all aspects of bird life – courting a mate, nest building, laying and incubating eggs, feeding...
by Ann Markin | Feb 9, 2022 | Birds, Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk
As you drive along area roadways, it is not uncommon to see a hawk sitting atop a utility pole, a road sign, a fence post or a tree. More than likely, it will be a red-tailed hawk. This large hawk is found throughout North America in a variety of habitats. Red-tailed...
by Ann Markin | Jan 8, 2022 | Birds, Chickadee
Chickadees are easily identified by their namesake call, “Chickadee-dee-dee.” They use this call in a variety of ways, including warning of predators. A report in Science indicated that Chickadees have a very sophisticated signaling system. A study at the University...